Electrical Gauge Senders

Price: £41.92 £50.30

Stock Code: RTECF5H

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6 In Stock

These electrical gauge senders are designed to suit our current range of Racetech electrical instruments.

Gauge Part NumberDescriptionDiameter of GaugeSender Part NumberDescription
RTECOP8Electrical oil pressure 8 Bar52mmRTECOPM10Oil pressure sender M10 thread
RTECFGElectrical Fuel Gauge52mmRTECF5H5 Hole Flange Fuel Sender
RTECF6H6 Hole Fuel Sender
RTECOT150Electrical Oil Temperature 150°52mmRTECOT1/8Oil Temperature Sender 1/8 NPT
RTECW120Electrical water temperature 120°52mmRTECW1/8Water temperature sender 1/8 NPT
RTSC130Speedo80mmSS34-1Speedo Sensor
DTM4007Air/Fuel Ratio MeterN/ALOS01Lamda Sensor (single wire)
LOS03Lamda Sensor (3 wire)
RTECVMVolt Meter52mm
RTTC88,000 Tacho80mm
RTTC8-SL8,000 Tacho with shift light80mm
RTTC1010,000 Tacho80mm
RTTC10-SL10,000 Tach with shift light80mm
RTTC1212,000 Tacho80mm
RTTC12-SL12,000 Tacho with shift light80mm