OMP Black Collection Formula Extinguisher CMFST1

Price: £255.65 £306.78

Stock Code: CM0-FST1-A01

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The OMP CMFST1 extinguisher is suitable for single seater racers. This is a steel bottle with a mechanical actuation, ideal for those on a tight budget.

The OMP CMFST1 formula extinguisher is available as either a complete kit (includes everything you need to install the unit) or as just a bottle. It is also available to ship either pressurised or un-pressurised (if purchasing an un-pressurised system then please not you will need to get the unit pressurised before competing, this option should only be selected if surface shipping is impossible, please call or email for details). The CMFST1 extinguisher is available in either black or red (shown above) colour options (does not change the specification).

The specification of the OMP CMFST1 is:

Length (mm) 297
Diameter (mm) 130
Weight (Kg) 5.6
Capacity (Ltr) 2.8
Homologation EX.009.00
Technical List 16

The complete kit for the CMFST1 extinguisher includes:

Product Code Description Quantity
CD/323/N/6 Aluminium Tubing 6mm (4mtr length) 2
E sticker 2
CD/335 Pull Cables 2
CD/393 Nozzle 5
CD/392 T Piece (6mm) 4
CD/391 90 Degree Connector (6mm) 1
CD/390 T Piece (6mm) Connector 1
Anti-Torpedo Tabs 2