Fire Extinguisher Servicing FAQ

At Raceparts we are able to service a wide variarity of motorsport extinguishers. Here you will find details on the services we offer and how to get your extinguisher serviced.

What Extinguisher Systems Do Raceparts Service?

Raceparts services on site Lifeline, OMP, FEV and Turini extinguisher systems (see below for exact models). We can also also have serviced, Sparco and SPA systems but these are not done on site.

How Often Does My System Need Servicing?

The vast majority of systems need servicing every two years. If your system has missed a service (perhaps due to you not competing) then this is fine so long as it hasn't gone for a period over six years without a service. If it has been over six years then the bottle will need to be replaced. A motorsport extinguisher has a total life of 10 years from manufacture.

Which Models Do Raceparts Service On Site?

Raceparts can service the majority of Lifeline, FEV and OMP extinguishers on site, please see below:

  • OMP Sport (aka Turini)
  • All OMP Black Collection (Including mechanical, electrical and handheld)
  • All OMP White Collection (Including handheld)
  • All OMP Platinium Collection
  • All OMP FIA 8865 (List 52) models (Including One and Tecnica collections)
  • The majority of Zero 360 single-cylinder models (Including mechanical, electrical and handheld, however there are a few older models and remote discharge systems that we cannot service on site but we can get these done for you)
  • All Zero 2020 models ((Including mechanical and electrical)
  • All Zero 2000 models (Including mechanical, electrical and handheld)*
  • All Zero Zero models
  • All FTEC-AFFF systems
  • All N-Tec Novec systems (except for Technical List 52)

If you cannot find your model on this list then please call or email us with the details. We can still get this serviced for you however this is not done on site.

*Please note the 2.25ltr Lifeline Zero 2000 bottles will no longer be acceptable for competition use in the UK from 1st January 2022, please call for details.

How Much Does A Service Cost?

It is very difficult to give a general number. The majority of extinguisher systems in the UK cost £30-£50 approx to service, however it can be between £20 (small handheld unit) and over £500 (FIA 8865, List 52 unit) (exVat) for a service, refills can be signicifcantly more. If you would like a quote before servicing then please call or email us with the exact model of the system you wish to get serviced. Please note that sometimes there are extra parts which need to be replaced such as gauges and these can incur a small additional charge.

I Don't Know Which Model I Have, How Can I Find Out?

It can be confusing to know which model extinguisher you have. If you are unsure then please send a photo of the entire bottle (including the head) and a photo of the label clearly showing the dates and the homologation number. We can then advise which model extinguisher you have.

My Extinguisher Has Gone Off, What Do I Do?

If your extinguisher has been activated then we can refill it for you. This is similar to a service and the system will not need to be serviced for two years after it has been re-filled. The cost can be vary varied so please contact us for a quote. We can refill all the stems which we also offer servicing on (see above). This can take longer then a usual service so we do not offer this while you wait.

What Do You Do On A Service?

It does vary between different makes/models but generally extinguisher servicing includes:

  • Draining the extinguisher
  • Removing the head
  • Cleaning the inside of the bottle
  • Cleaning the head and dip tube
  • Replacing O rings
  • Refilling the bottle
  • Re-pressurising the bottle
  • Affixing a service label

What Is The Difference Between A Service And A Refill?

A service is the two year check required by Motorsport UK and the FIA for ensuring your safety and the functionality of your extinguisher. A refill is the process of restoring your extinguisher after it has been activated. For a few mechanical systems the process is the same (but not all) but most systems have a different procedure for a service or a refill. That can mean that a refill is more expensive then a standard service. We will always check with yourself if we feel that you may be better off replacing a bottle then having it refilled (this can be the case depending on the age of the bottle and the type of extinguishant used).

If My Bottle Has Been Refilled When Will It Need Servicing Again?

2 years (unless it runs out of it's 10 year life in that time). A refill receives the same labelling as a service so it will not need to be serviced again for 2 years regardless of when it had been previously serviced.

How Do I Get My Extinguisher To Raceparts For Servicing?

If you would like Raceparts to service/refill your extinguisher then you can get the bottle to us in a variety of ways. You can either drop the bottle off at our main office during business hours or you can ship the bottle to us via courier. If you are shipping the bottle then please make sure there is a note in the box with your contact details so that we know who has sent the bottle. If you would like advice about shipping your bottle then please call or email us. Alternatively we can arrange for UPS to collect the bottle from you (UK mainland customers only unfortunately) for an additional cost, please call or email if you would like us to arrange this service.

How Should I Package My Bottle For Sending/Travelling?

It is best to make sure that the bottle is well protected (with bubble wrap or other such packing materials), in the case of mechanical or handheld systems please ensure the pin is in the handle so that it cannot accidentally be activated. It is best to send the bottle back full but if you would rather set it off first then please check with us to see if this will effect the price of the service. Please also make sure there is a note in the box with your contact details (name, email, phone etc) so that we can get in contact with you once your bottle is done.

My Bottle Is Under 10 Years Old, Why Has It Been Rejected For Servicing?

Very occasionally we will have to reject a bottle for servicing/refill. This is usually due to the age of the bottle (over 10 years from date of manufacture or hasn't been serviced in 6 years). However very rarely we do have to reject extinguishers for other reasons. If the bottle has a dent or bump (larger then a postage stamp), a deep scratch, the paintwork is flaking off. or the welding is damaged then we are unable to service the extinguisher. This is inline with the guidelines set out by the extinguisher system manufacturers, the FIA and Motorsport UK.

If you have any other questions then please call or email us.